Main Drop-down
- Select the cell where you want the first (main) drop down list.
- Go to Data → Data Validation. This will open the data validation dialogue box. Within the settings tab, select List.
- In Source field, specify the range that contains the items that are to be shown in the first drop down list.

- This will create the Drop Down 1.
Create from Selection
- Select the entire data set where the Table headers match those from the Source field selection

- Go to Formulas → Defined Names → Create from Selection (or you can use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + F3).

In the ‘Create Named from Selection’ dialogue box, check the Top row option and uncheck all the others. Doing this creates 2 names ranges (‘Fruits’ and ‘Vegetables’). Fruits named range refers to all the fruits in the list and Vegetables named range refers to all the vegetables in the list.

Dependant Drop-down
Select the cell where you want the Dependent/Conditional Drop Down list
Go to Data → Data Validation. Within the setting tab, make sure List in selected.
In the Source field, enter the formula =INDIRECT(D3)
. Here, D3 is the cell that contains the main drop down.